
Eligibility for CWCMS Certification

Applicants for the CWCMS® Certification must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Verified current or past employment in a wound care industry related sales position.
    • Wound Care Industry includes but not limited to: Companies/Business/Individuals that provide products, research, equipment, services, and adjunctive therapies to consumers or healthcare providers for the purpose of skin and/or wound management. If no experience or current employment in the wound care industry, applicant must provide a minimum of 3 references. (Professional, Academic, Colleagues, or Customer)
  • Complete application for WCEI® Certified Wound Care Market Specialist® Course
  • Attend the WCEI® Skin and Wound Management Course. (full attendance required)
  • Agree to follow CWCMS® Code of Ethics.
  • Receive passing score of 85% on the CWCMS® Examination.
  • Payment of required fees.

Important Information! Please review the CWCMS certification handbook for detailed information on this course and the CWCMS® credential. 
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